Dream BIG… Again

May 11, 2010
Dawn’s Creative Crafts: The Dream begins

A dream begins with a single thought or idea.
It continues growing day by day.

Until… hardship strikes?

Originally Dawn’s Creative Crafts facebook page was created in 2011. Two years later, after much thought and difficulty I made a hard decision and closed the entire account down. I even closed down my original craft blog.

I was struggling. I had a hard time with having so few followers and even fewer interactions on my page. I had taken it very personally and I felt hurt by it. I felt that I tried everything. I posted messages that it was OK to share projects that my followers were working on. I added polls, and shared things from other craft pages or groups that were related to things that I enjoyed doing and thought that others would as well. I had event ideas.

One idea in particular was to have a Craft-and-Chat. Once or twice a month we would come together and work on whatever projects we enjoyed doing, and be able to chat and share ideas or photos of our projects at the same time. I won’t say that the idea was a flop as I did have some interaction with it. It just wasn’t on the scale that I would have liked it to have been.
Note: At the time I closed down the original page, I was just shy of 100 followers.

After days and weeks of feeling lower than snake hips, I was reminded:

Nothing Worth Having is Easy

It totally changed my mindset.

A few months later, a new account was made, and ultimately a new facebook page. I was debating on keeping it unpublished for awhile, but then I thought, “How can I share my love of creativity that way? I can’t!”  So I didn’t. I also brought back my blog.

Do I have a ton of followers now? No. It’s slow going, but I am not going to let that stop me from pursuing my dream. I can’t take everything personally. It takes time, sometimes a very long time, to reach goals and to become a bigger community.

YES, it’s a struggle to go from idea or dream to something BIGGER, something MORE. Maybe you’re in a similar position. Don’t do what I did. Don’t give up when things don’t go according to plan. Don’t give up when things look dismal. That’s the time to keep going, persevere, and push ahead.

I’ll end with this:

And if you’ve lost hold of it, DREAM BIG…AGAIN!

God bless you!

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